I’m trying out new designs. Simple ones. The design I had before was from blogger.com, and the code was messy. So I decided to make the design myself. Obviously it won’t be as good. I must admit that I have no sense of design or colour. But atleast I made the comments thing work. HAH. take that…

If you’re wondering why there’s a ƒ(a) if the bottom there instead of my name. I’m using it as a nickname now. ƒ(a) means function ƒ at value ‘a’. ‘a’ being the first letter of my first and last name seems appropriate. I got the idea from my good friend, Zaker, who suggested I use (A)squared. But I was unable to get the 2 superscripted. I was looking at the sybmols and I saw ƒ and said, bingo! And here it is…