do unto others.

The Golden Rule. I’ve always thought it odd and lacking.

First, not everyone loves gold the same. The Golden Rule comes with promises it cannot deliver.

It is a self-centered rule.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

This is much too problematic. Instead of putting yourself in the shoes of others, you have put others in your shoes. There is hubris in this rule, a sense of overreaching self-righteousness. Not everyone wants a pony.

Another modification, taking into consideration the issues above says:

Do unto others as what they would like done unto them.

Or something like that.

This is far too selfless for me. It would be dishonest of me to abide by such a rule. But I can’t claim that I have any better rules to offer. I tread along like one who stumbles, ungracefully threading my steps along vague guidelines.

Do unto others as is consented.