This is interesting. CBC REPORT about Israeli raids of Palestinian refugee camps. It’s a real video clip.
What intrigues me is that fact that Isreali media is more open than the American media.
Now there should be no chants about Arab media being controlled and censored.
CNN is pretending like this never happened. It boggles the mind.
Author: thisduck
I just added an about me section on the side menu.
It has information about me.
My second post on this site is coming ages after my first post, which indicates that my earlier prediction was correct.
In any case, the Tory Leadership race for Ontario is on today. Nobody won it in the first ballot, but it seems that Ernie’s got the job.
I’ve finally decided to start my own web site + blog. Though I feel that I won’t update it often, that remains to be seen.
I can’t web design for beans, so I used the design that I got from
I intend on keeping this design since I’m way too lazy to redesign the page from scratch…