Quote of the day:

The block of granite, which is an obstacle on the path of the weak, becomes a stepping-stone on the path of the strong.” Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)

My comments on the quote: The smarter person is the one who processes the granite into something people will buy. Make lots of money, and then buys a house and a car. That’s so much better than just stepping on the granite.

Okay, so April’s gone. Exams are over. Inshallah the results will be good. But I’ll have that funny feeling in my stomach till I get my marks.
I started working on CGI and will look into PHP. Unfortunately, netfirms.com (where I host this site), doesn’t support PHP for their free service. And I’m not dishing out cash anytime soon. But they do allow CGI/Perl, but they don’t support Java Servlets or CGI programs done in C. And I know Java and C, how convenient.
I’ll try and make my own blogging system (don’t hold me up to that though), so I won’t be dependent on blogger.com or the commenting system that’s currently down.
But it depends on the amount of bugs my program will have, because it’s bound to have bugs.

I haven’t posted anything in a long while. My exams are coming up. They end when April ends. So I shall be a free bird after April. Inshallah.
I’ll try and learn CGI and other neat things to further the developement of this site…

I’m impressed. CNN is showing part of what is actually happening. This is a first.
They showed a report on how Israeli Soldiers are shooting at reporters.
And how Israeli Soldiers are treating Palestinians like prisoners in their own land.
Now who will deny this? Even CNN showed it.

There is a picture circulating the internet which shows a plane crashing into the Ka’bah.
I didn’t put it on the main page because I think that Muslims will feel uncomfortable seeing it.
I uploaded the picture and made comments on it. You can find it HERE.

A friend of mine was discussing how Nostradamus predicted the World Trade Center attacks. Now I rejected this notion upon hearing it. I had done some readings on Nostradamus a few years back, and with like any other “future teller”, his predictions are so vague they can be applied almost anywhere. I refuse to fall for such traps. I refuse to accept the notion that a man centuries ago predicted it with precise accuracy. Please!!! Who’re they trying to fool?
Anyway, I found THIS ARTICLE which deals with some of these “prophecies”. Enjoy.