Even time might not tell.
Slowly you put on shades of comfort, leaving yourself naked.
I’d love you to death, but I’m afraid it might kill you.
I like potatoes.
I don’t disagree just to disagree; I disagree when I am in disagreement.
I like mushrooms.
Whenever faced with two conflicting interpretations, I follow the school of thought that says mine is correct.
toronto, my love
i love this city, it’s been said.
it’s a beautiful city, i’ve been told.
toronto has been very kind,
but it has also been very cold.
mirrors do not help
i have forgotten
who to look for.
comments working
Not that it was a much used feature of the site anyway, but comments are now working. Awesome.
Also, Markdown syntax can be used in the comments box. A cheat sheet is available to try it out. I’ll soon add a message near the comment box so folk know how to use it.