Ladies and Gentledudes…

Praise the AlMighty Lord my laptop has returned from it’s servicing and the problem has been solved…

now, I finally got myself to sit through Devdas and frankly I don’t see what the hype is about…

Sure there’s costumes and set design, but it’s not all that great… The acting was just about okay… not great… nothing extra-ordinary…

The story?… all that I liked about it is that the love birds don’t live happily ever after… blah…

Now, if there is just one Hindi movie you will see all your life… it’s gotta be “Company”… the acting, direction and story were all flawless… better than “Devdas” and “Lagaan” combined…
Company is a master-piece…

Perhaps I should make a list of movies that I like… perhaps I’m too lazy…
Apperantly Yaser has got the solution to lazyness… he’ll post it later… I’m waiting…

Bad news:

My laptop is gone for servicing, it may need a whole motherboard replacement. Luckily it’s still in the warranty period. yay…

But this means any programming promises I made will have to be delayed until futher notice… I do sincerely apologize…

Unfortuneately this desert land forbids me from visiting my own site. But the Merciful Lord has made it possible to get to my blogging program from where I relay this message to the rest of you.

Now what I am going to say might annoy people but I believe it must be said.
It’s about them flash buttons…
Individually they look nice, the moving letters and the changing colours etc etc…

But once there are too many of them together it’s too much for the eye to bear.

On another note, I have started work on the webring program. I can’t make a prediction for it’s completion, but I can say it will be done soon, inshallah. How soon? Your guess is as good as mine…

Also, I realize that I can’t spell for beans… but then again, why would I want beans?


well well well, I blog again…

I just got back from Umrah. If you’re reading this log, then I probably prayed for you while I was in the Haram…

In other news, the idea of a Muslim Sites webring has popped up since there seems to be lack of satisfaction with the long waiting periods for the current one. It can be found at

Personally, I think that there should be a site dedicated to just the WebRing. Let me explain. Due to people wanting to sign up for the webring, the ThinkHalal blog gets exposure. If I were to participate in creating a webring it should not be associated with any other site, or specifically promote some site. It should be a site of its own dedicated to being a webring…

Maybe I’m just a punk… hah…

These are pictures of the plaque to which names of the winner of the Reach For The Top Competition that happened with in the school.

The competition is based on general knowledge and quickness of the hand. Four members of the team can compete at one time. So if the team has 8 players, only 4 can be in the game at one time. There are three rounds. Players may switch only between rounds.

The QuizMaster asks a question, and the players must “buzz in”, by press the button on their “buzzer”. The player who buzzed in must answer the question within 5 seconds. If not, then the other team gets a shot at the question.

The with the higher score wins (duh!!!).

There were two divisions with 8 teams each. A team plays all other teams in their division. The standing of the team decides their standing in the playoffs. Everyone makes the playoffs. This is the elimation round. One loss and you’re out.

In the year 2000-2001, my last year of high school. The team I was in won.

But why am I posting this now you ask. One year after the event has happened? This is because the year that we won this in was a year where the teachers had gone on a partial strike. They refused to run any extra-curricular activities.

My friends and I contacted the teacher who usually ran the Reach League. We offered to run the league, manage the teams, schedules, annoucements etc etc…

The budget was low, but we were able to muster enough money to get the questions package.

During the year, I was the quizmaster for more than 85% of the games. We got to the finals and won. yaay…

Usually, each player in the winning team would either get a medal or a plaque to keep, and have their names engraved in the plaque that resides in the school.

However, in our case, we didn’t even get it engraved that year. Budget restrictions and the teachers strike. The strike ended, and this year the plaque was engraved. These photos are recent.

Each member of the winning team this year got their personal trophies. But I have these pictures to show. 🙂

What matters is that we won.

The commenting service I helped setup, Enetation, was featured in the Which is good and dandy.

Except, there is no mention of me. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed.

There is nothing more annoying to a programmer than not being given credit for his/her work. Actaully what’s more annoying is someone else being given the credit.

But I understand that’s how life is. stuff happens. If I look at the big picture, then I know that I’m better off than I was a month ago, thank Allah. And so I can’t complain with that regards. I’ll just have to keep looking at that big picture.

In either case, I’m not with Enetation anymore. Inshallah I will soon come out with a public commenting service, which was the original plan all along.