contacts again…

a little exchange at work:

me: good day to you miss…
lady: what did I miss?
me: I would like you to have a good day madam…
lady: oh… hey… you look different, where are your glasses, are you wearing contacts?
me: I am indeed
lady: well, okay. you look good with the contacts.
me: thank you… you know I don’t have much of a choice, this is my face without glasses or contacts.

raptors basketball…

These are exciting times for Raptors fans… if they win the game today big time statement!

I realized the reason I used to watch so many raptors games and the reason I don’t watch so many raptors games. The emotional involvement is too much for me.

I cheer at every point we score and I get disappointed at every point the opponent scores. Losing a game is like losing blood. Sometimes it’s too much to take…

okay… deep breathes…

contacts let you see…

I’m really liking my contacts… I don’t wear them all the time. But they’re awesome.

Anyway, I just got back from a co-worker’s (friend’s) birthday party. I did do some magic, folk loved it. I got involved in a few conversations. But I spent most of my time sitting on a chair just watching other people do stuff.

Watching people dance, converse and interact. You can tell so much about people by just observing. You can see who of the group is leading the convesation, you can tell who the good listeners are, and you can tell who the bored people are.

I do enjoy being the center of attention at times, but I absolutely love being no one.


no really, seriously.

I finally did it. At least to some extent. I spent a day at work being serious. I loved it. It’s so much nicer being different than what you’re perceived to be. Specially when you know what you’re really like.

But it’s not a piece of cake. Because it’s so easy sometimes to get reactions by saying that odd sentence, making that facial expression or gesturing with the hands. It’s tempting. I know exactly what I’m saying and what I’m doing, and most of the times I know exactly what reaction I’m going to get. Although sometimes it backfires… : … I need to be more careful. no really, I need to be more careful.

I just need my mind to be free and not feel the need to do anything. Not feel the need to be serious or funny or magical. Just let things happen as they come. But most of all to be who I think I am, and do what I think I’m capable of.


okay so the site is back up… was down for about a week.

I need to update this more often. So much interesting stuff going on in my mind that I should get into words on the web.

Review old and new movies, and hopefully watch some along the way.

Do more self-analysis bits, see if I’ve done any of the stuff I said I would do, or wouldn’t do.

Okay, need to update. good… somewhat…

fitting in…

so many times I feel that I don’t fit in, regardless of the people I’m hanging out with. I’m not sure if others feel the same way, but I know I feel that way. It doesn’t matter whether I’m with other muslims or magicians or folk at school or work, that feeling still remains to some extent.

It’s not that I think people don’t like me (although I’m sure there’s plenty in that line up), I’m sure some folk enjoy my “sense of humour” and I know I can bring the house down with the magic. But where am I without my wise cracks and a deck of cards? I’m still me, and that me feels that I don’t fit it. There are somethings that are so close and yet are so far it’s not even funny. Actually, sometimes it is funny.

Maybe I try too hard, perhaps it’s even at a subconcious level. Too hard to be funny, too hard to fit in. I’m not even sure what that means.

Maybe I need to let go for a while. Keep the wise cracks to myself and put a pause to the magic. Bring out the more silent me.