my every moment gone

there will be a moment
when I will have lost
every fibre of my being

all my memories gone
all the names
all the faces
all the journeys
all the places
my every moment gone

and in that moment
I will miss you

6 thoughts on “my every moment gone”

  1. i want to be snide and say “no you won’t, you’ll have lost EVERY FIB(ER) of your being!” but the romantic in me insists on believing that even at that moment, i will be missed.

    (or you know, whomever.)

  2. “but the romantic in me insists on believing that even at that moment, i will be missed.”

    or that you will miss someone/whomever? the words can go both ways.

  3. I converted to lower case a whiles back.
    I mean, proper post I will start sentences with caps and all.

    and I will still be caps… because to me, “i” doesn’t feel just right.

    I remember in a fit of a moment, I changed all the category names to lowercase… and the page names to lowercase…

    and my signature “Adnan.” to “adnan.”

    now you know everything, but why the I is upper case, is still unclear.


  4. I converted to lower case a whiles back.
    I mean, proper post I will start sentences with caps and all.

    and I will still be caps… because to me, “i” doesn’t feel just right.

    I remember in a fit of a moment, I changed all the category names to lowercase… and the page names to lowercase…

    and my signature “Adnan.” to “adnan.”

    now you know everything, but why the I is upper case, is still unclear.


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