no time

if there is something you must say
don’t wait to be asked
time is a precious thing
the moment may not last

so do what you must do
leave no room for regret
and remember: if you don’t ask
you don’t get


This is from a couple of months ago at work. I was in the kitchen getting a tea refill, being careful not to get burnt, when I noticed word magnets on the fridge. These magnets were part of some wedding vows package, you were supposed to make wedding vows with these words. I found the fridge in this state:

all the words

I decided I would play this game. So put arranged a few magnets in this order:

joy us, sad me

One of my co-workers/friends who was caught a glimpse of this came by and said, “that’s some deep shit”. Then she modified it to:

have wife, sad me

So I said, “whoa, wait a minute!”:

have husband, sad me

Laughter ensued. I continued:

work time, sad me

And then:

soul poorer, sad me

“Deep shit”, she said again. I kept going:

we poorer, sad me

“Not bad, but you’re losing steam”… Oh is that right? take this:

marry me, sad we

“Hahahaha”, much laughter again.

Then a few weeks later, I thought I’d give it another go. This time:

Wait… let’s try this:

Okay, what about this:

One more time:

“Hmmm… needs more cowbell”, I thought, forgetting to take the tea back with me to my desk.

my greatest trick

sometimes i wish i would just face that fear,
but don’t we all have our bones to pick?
though sometimes i wish i could just disappear,
would that not be my greatest trick?

but i want to be here, there’s much to see,
moments i have not yet met.
i think if i would just share more of me,
that would be my greatest effect.

galloping musicians

why not just throw a dagger at me?
as i hold my wound
and try and pull out this dagger
it hurts
the pain hurts
and not just where the dagger hit
the pain travels, like horses galloping on my veins
this pain it hurts
i can feel each beat
of the horseshoes
leaving marks
but i could make music with those beats
the rhythm, they move with rhythm
they aren’t horses, they’re musicians